We celebrated Addy's 2nd birthday last week. She was sooo excited about the cake and balloons and candles and presents! She kept singing "Happy Birthday to-ooh" all day and for days after. We can hardly believe our baby girl is two. It seems like only yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital not having any idea how our lives would really change. She has taught us so much - about love, patience, selflessness, and the little joys in life. I think we have a better understanding of our Father's love and the relationship we have with Him now that we are parents. She is an amazing joy to have in our lives and we are incredibly grateful that God has entrusted us to raise her. I certainly pray daily for strength and wisdom in growing our little girl. I think midnight feedings and dirty diapers are nothing compared to the responsibility of disciplining and moral development. Ahhh! Good thing I don't have to go this alone :)
Enjoy the pics from Addy's birthday.