Monday, July 18, 2011

Waiting for the Wagon Ride

This morning I watered the flowers and let Addy play outside for a while before it got too hot.  It was already 90 degrees at 10:00 am and very humid.  Eww!  Addy decided to climb in her red wagon that Great-Grandma gave her for her birthday.  She proceeded to cry out "Mommy!  Go for ride!"  I told her that we could go for a ride after I watered the flowers.  Again (and again and again) she was saying in her persistent voice, "Mommy!  Go for ride!",  despite my increasingly impatient explanations that I must water the flowers first and then we could go for a wagon ride.  As I'm wondering why she can't understand waiting for a wagon ride, it hit me that this is how I often act while waiting for God.  I pray and expect an instant reply of exactly what I think I need and can't understand why He can't grant me my request.  I have little understanding of the big picture, or at least I choose not to really consider His plans in my impatience.  I just want to 'go for that wagon ride' without waiting for what God has planned for me.  I finished watering the flowers and then we went for a wonderful wagon ride around the block three whole times, Addy singing along as I walked thinking about how I can wait more patiently for the 'wagon rides' God has planned for me.

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